Applying Learning Theories in Research Outside the Classroom: How People Learn Science in Informal Environments

Chair: Patricia PatrickColumbus State University

Discussant: K.C. Busch, North Carolina State University


Presentation 1: Sociocultural theory: defining interactions at an arboretum, aquarium, and state park

Presenter: Patricia PatrickColumbus State University


Presentation 2: Gender in/exclusion in science exhibitions: theoretical framework and practical implications

Presenter: Marianne AchiamUniversity of Copenhagen

Co-author: Henriette Tolstrup Holmegaard, University of Copenhagen


Presentation 3: Activity theory in museums: learning and contradiction across three levels of analysis

Presenter: Doris AshUniversity of Caligornia Santa Cruz


Presentation 4: Bedouin students’ sense of place in the light of place-based education and third space theory

Presenter: Wisam SedawiBen-Gurion University of the Negev

Co-author: Orit Ben-Zvi Assaraf, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

        Michael J. Reiss, University College London


Presentation 5: Adaptation of constructivist learning and teaching models for non-formal science education research

Presenter: Anastasia StriligkaCarl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Co-author: Kai Bliesmer, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

        Chirstin Sajons, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

        Michael J. Komorek, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

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