
Local Organising Committee

Graça S. Carvalho (Conference President)

Zélia Anastácio (Conference Manager)

Ana Sofia Afonso

Beatriz Pereira

Cristina Sylla

Fernando Guimarães

Isabel Sousa

José Alberto Precioso

Paulo Varela

Teresa Vilaça

International Scientific Committee

Graça S. Carvalho (Conference President), University of Minho, Portugal

Zélia Anastácio (Conference Manager), University of Minho, Portugal

Ana Sofia Afonso, University of Minho, Portugal

The main responsibility for the review process and the scientific programme of the ESERA 2021 Conference rests with an international committee of experienced science education researchers. This committee comprises of the members of the ESERA Executive Board and the Strand Chairs.


ESERA Executive Board

Sibel Erduran (President), University of Oxford, UK.

Ellen Henrikesen (Secretary), University of Oslo, Norway

Gjalt Prins (Treasurer), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

Marianne Achiam (member), University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Lucy Avraamidou (member), University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Mariona Espinet (member), Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Bob Evans (member), University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Graça S. Carvalho (Co-opted member – Conference 2021), University of Minho, Portugal

Eliza Rybska (Co-opted member – Summer School 2021), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland


Strand Chairs

Ana Sofia Afonso; Massimiliano Malgieri

Florence Le Hebel; Vanessa Kind

Sabine Fechner; Dimitris Stavrou

Jesper Bruun; Jesper Haglund

Italo Testa; Nikos Papadouris

Ebru Kaya; Veli-Matti Vesterinen

Kalypso Iordanou; Maria Andrée

Antti Laherto; Eliza Rybska

Albert Zeyer; Justin Dillon

Eilish McLoughlin; Odilla Finlayson

Lukas Rokos; Mathias Ropohl

Lucy Avraamidou; Allison Gonsalves

Maria Evagorou; María Ruth Jimenez Liso

Claudio Fazio; Pedro Reis

Bodil Sundberg; Christina Siry

Anna Spyrtou; Federico Corni

Jenaro Guisasola; Paula Heron

Marianne Odegaard; Shulamit Kapon

Professional Conference Organiser (PCO): Leading Lda.

Carin Isacson
Célia Araujo
Catarina Freitas

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