Early years science SIG nature of science invited symposium

Chair: Estelle Blanquet, Université de Bordeaux

Discussant: Judith Lederman, IIT


Presentation 1: Introducing nature of science in early childhood education: results from a project in collaboration with teachers

Presenter: Lena HanssonKristianstad University

Co-author: Lotta Leden, Kristianstad University

       Suzanne Thulin, Kristianstad University


Presentation 2: NOS for young children

Presenter: Fanny Seroglou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Presentation 3: Bush Kinders: pedagogically promoting the nature of science

Presenter: Coral Cambell, Deakin University

Co-author: Christopher Speldewinde, Deakin University


Presentation 4: Making elements of scientificity explicit for kindergarten teachers

Presenter: Estelle BlanquetUniversité de Bordeaux

Co-author: Eric Picholles, Inphyni-CNRS

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