International Science Education Journals

Presentation 1: International journal of science education

Presenter: Jan van DrielUniversity of Melbourne

Co-editor: Gail Jones, North Carolina State University


Presentation 2: Journal of science teacher education: developing knowledge about science teacher education

Presenter: Geeta Verma, University of Colorado Denver

Co-editor: Wayne Melville, Lake Head University

     Todd Campbell, University of Connecticut

     Byung-Yeol Park, University of Connecticut


Presentation 3: Science & education: contributions from history, philosophy, and sociology of science and mathematics

Presenter: Sibel ErduranUniversity of Oxford

Co-editor: Olivia Levrini, University of Bologna

     Mauricio Pietrocola, University of São Paulo

     Gabor Zemplen, Eötvös Loránd University

Presentation 4: Enhancing global scholarship in the journal of research in science teaching

Presenter: Troy D. Sadler, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Co-editor: Felicia Moore Mensah, Teachers College, Columbia University

Presentation 5: Studies in science education

Presenter: Justin Dillon, University of Exeter

Co-editor: Lucy Avraamidou, University of Groeningen

Presentation 6: Research in science education

Presenter: Angela Fitzgerald, University of Southern Queensland

Co-editor: Kim Nichols, University of Queensland

Presentation 7: Cultural studies of science education

Presenter: Catherine Milne, New York University

Co-editor: Christina Siry, University of Luxembourg

Presentation 8: Research in science and technological education

Presenter: Lindsay Hetherington, Exeter University

Co-editor: Pete Sorensen

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