ABRAPEC and the challenges of science education in adverse and different times

Chair: Alcina Maria Testa Braz Da Silva, Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro / CEFET-RJ

Discussant: Rochele Loguercio, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul // UFRGS


Presentation 1: Science education in brazil: the role of ABRAPEC and the development of a socially referenced research agenda

Presenter: Fernanda OstermannFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul // UFRGS

Co-author: Sandra Selles, Federal Fluminense University / UFF


Presentation 2: Interculturality and representations: for a dialogical relationship in science education

Presenter: Alcina Maria Testa Braz Da Silva, Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro / CEFET-RJ


Presentation 3: Contributions of colonial and decolonial studies to science education

Presenter: Suzani Cassiani, Federal University of Santa Catarina/UFSC


Presentation 4: The post-critical perspective blurring frontiers in science education

Presenter: Rochele LoguercioFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul // UFRGS

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