Richard Duschl


Executive Director Southern Methodist University

Richard Duschl is currently Executive Director, Caruth Institute for Engineering Education and Texas Instruments Distinguished and Professor in the Lyle School of Engineering, Southern Methodist University.  He has Professor Emeritus status at Penn State University where from 2008-2019 he was theWaterbury Chair Professor of Secondary Education in the College of Education. Richard A. Duschl is known for his research on assessment, on argumentation discourse practices and on the application of history and philosophy of science to science education.  Twice Richard has received the ‘JRST Award’ for the outstanding research article published in the J. of Research in Science Teaching.  He served for more than a decade as editor of the research journal Science Education and as editor for TC Press “Ways of Knowing in Science and Math” book series.   From 2008 to 2011 he was President of NARST – National Association for Research in Science Teaching. In 2015, he was honoured by NARST as recipient of the Distinguished Career in Research Award in Science Education.

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